About Us

Who we are

Calmly and Competently Leading You to Financial Security

AdCap is Nigeria’s leading provider of SME financing, wealth management, consumer lending, investment, and advisory services. We are a fiduciary to our clients. We’re laser-focused on sustainably investing pan Africa for the future on behalf of our clients, spurring economic growth, inspiring our employees, and supporting our local communities.

Our mission is to spur economic growth by providing tailored financial solutions that empower small and medium-sized enterprises, foster innovation, and drive job creation across Nigeria and the wider African continent.

Transforming Lives, Building Economies

  • Our purpose is to help more and more people experience financial well-being. Together with our clients, we’re contributing to a more equitable and resilient world – today and for generations to come. No one is left behind, everyone, every business is included.

  • We help people and businesses to invest and grow. Our risk-based, bespoke approach to running our business not only sets us apart but ensures that clients’ needs are properly assessed, and actions taken to match their needs, lifestyle, and long-term goals. When we lend, we are transparent and imbibe best practice.

  • Everyone can and should invest, and we will help you do so. With an open-door access to all, we maintain a pool of clients as profitably diverse as can be.

  • As underserved as the market remains, with its potential for growth, we provide the much-needed access to financing that will drive growth across the MSME sector. Individuals also access our services for their immediate and long-term needs.

Our Values

Driving Economic Growth, Supporting Communities

At AdCap, we are committed to being Nigeria's premier provider of SME financing, wealth management, consumer lending, investment, and advisory services. Our values reflect our commitment to excellence, integrity, and social responsibility, forming the foundation of our business practices and client relationships.


We uphold the highest standards of honesty and transparency in all our actions and decisions.


We are dedicated to understanding the needs of our clients and exceeding their expectations.


We follow reliable and ethical practices, ensuring the best interests of our clients and stakeholders.


We strive for excellence in every aspect of our business, delivering superior service and innovative solutions.
Our Team

We Are A Great Family

We succeed when our clients succeed. To effectively manage risk, we built a proprietary risk engine that uses data pulled from APIs, financials provided by our clients, and machine learning to model a company’s future growth.



Our purpose is to help more and more people experience financial well-being. Together with our clients, we’re contributing to a more equitable and resilient world – today and for generations to come. No one is left behind, everyone, every business is included.

Our Focus

We help people and businesses to invest and grow. Our risk-based, bespoke approach to running our business not only sets us apart but ensures that clients’ needs are properly assessed, and actions taken to match their needs, lifestyle, and long-term goals. When we lend, we are transparent and imbibe best practice.

Amanda Elay

Senior Vice President
ArtwA wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring

Mariah Carry

As a managing director at the firm, Mike oversees the strategic plans for Fort Pitt Capital’s future.

Gina Kennedy

CEO Founder
Bernie Clinton is a dedicated water professional who combines analytic We are e Consulting

Samanta Willaian

CEO Founder
Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla I am alone, and feel the charm

Goal-Based Management of Institutional Portfolios


Our Services Are

  • Based on your personal needs and circumstances
  • Focused and disciplined with an emphasis on trust, integrity, expertise, and service
  • Designed to mitigate the amount of loss sustained during a market decline while optimizing overall investment returns
  • Based on unbiased, professional experience